Tag: loan modification

A Different Kind of Help

By on July 16, 2014 in A Day In The Life

Like all good housing counselors, my colleagues and I are trained to consider a range of options for homeowners who seek our help. But, every once in a while, we work with a client who needs us to think of solutions that don’t appear in the training guides. I had one such case[...]
Pursuing a loan mod? Let us help you with that.

By on June 30, 2014 in Debbie Wheeler

Perhaps you’ve heard that the federal government has imposed new regulations on Servicers (entities who collect mortgage payments on behalf of investors) with the intent of improving the loan modification process. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) imposed regulations on large Servicers effective January 10, 2014. Below is a partial list of timeline[...]
Good News in the Morning

By on June 3, 2014 in Debbie Wheeler

Oh what a beautiful morning!  First call of the day started on a happy note.  A former client, who had her first mortgage permanently modified on the Treasury’s “Making Home Affordable Modification Program” (also called “HAMP”) back in November, called to say her second mortgage was just modified on the Second Lien Modification[...]